Monday, September 20, 2010

Business, Business, Business

So I ordered some really cheap (i.e pay only shipping fees) business cards and post cards! What do you think?

Being jobless and looking has been vicious and it just reaffirms that this is what I'd really like to do, bake for people, feed them and see their faces when I bake them yummy things that make them smile! So...I am really going to make an attempt to get this going! Even if it just ends up getting me some internet followers, at least I'll be baking things that other people can try out and if that makes one person happy, I'll be happy! I bake for myself now and being able to share it with people would be great. It makes me happy when I can create something delicious.

So if you know anyone who likes baking and might wanna follow a blog- tell them! 
If you know anyone who might wanna swap links with me - holla at me! 
If you read this blog and haven't comment at all- just say HI, I'd love to know you're there! 

And if there is anyone you know who wants an awesome cake, cupcake or cookie- I can guarantee I can bake you something you will LOVE!

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